Get PlatypusOS PlatypusAI

Consultancy Program

Looking for best-in-class technology to set up for your clients while also making long-term recurring revenue, and increasing retention?!

Best-In-Class Technology

Our partnership with Qebot’s marketplace are sourced from technology providers that are leaders in their respective fields. Rest assured that when you set a client up with new software, it will be easy to use, extremely powerful and the most cost effective on the market.

Give Your Clients Peace of Mind

PlatypusOS gives our business users the ability to create safer online practices for it's employees, deploy better security measures, and provide real privacy for your data and internet usage.

Long-Term Revenue

Take your consultancy to the next level with monthly recurring revenue. Setting your clients up on PlatypusOS is a win-win: they gain access to market leading technology – you make recurring monthly revenue!

Want to schedule a demo?

Fill out the form below to schedule a one-on-one demo with a representative of the Platypus Partnerships Team.